4,000+ Alps Goedeke Summits

Peaks over 4,000 meter in the Alps, Europe, Goedeke list

This list contains 182 peaks – of which 91 main and 91 sub summits – over 4,000 meter in the Alps, that match the criteria of Richard Goedeke. Peaks marked with an * also qualify as UIAA main summits according to Richard Goedeke.

#Peak Range G U
1Mont BlancMont Blanc 4,810m
2Mont Blanc du CourmayeurMont Blanc 4,765m
3DufourspitzeMonte Rosa 4,634m
4DunantspitzeMonte Rosa 4,632m
5Monte Rosa GrenzgipfelMonte Rosa 4,618m
6NordendMonte Rosa 4,609m
7Freneypijler Grande ChandelleMont Blanc 4,600m
8Dufourspitze W-voortopMonte Rosa 4,600m
9Zumsteinspitze / Punta ZumsteinMonte Rosa 4,563m
10Signalkuppe / Punta GnifettiMonte Rosa 4,554m
#Peak Range G U
11Mont Blanc Petit BosseMont Blanc 4,547m
12Signalkuppe O-graat GendarmMonte Rosa 4,545m
13DomWallis 4,545m
14Nordend Z-graat KuppeMonte Rosa 4,542m
15Liskamm OostMonte Rosa 4,527m
16Mont Blanc Grande BosseMont Blanc 4,513m
17WeisshornWallis 4,505m
18Dufourspitze bovenste W-graat topMonte Rosa 4,499m
19TäschhornWallis 4,491m
20Dom W-voortopWallis 4,479m
#Peak Range G U
21Liskamm WestMonte Rosa 4,479m
22MatterhornWallis 4,477m
23Matterhorn W-topWallis 4,476m
24Picco Luigi AmedeoMont Blanc 4,470m
25Dom NO-graat topWallis 4,468m
26Mont MauditMont Blanc 4,465m
27Zumsteinspitze ZW-graat KuppeMonte Rosa 4,463m
28Liskamm West O-voortopMonte Rosa 4,450m
29Liskamm West W-voortopMonte Rosa 4,447m
30Parrotspitze / Punta ParrotMonte Rosa 4,432m
#Peak Range G U
31Liskamm SattelkuppeMonte Rosa 4,430m
32Täschhorn N-graat topWallis 4,404m
33Dufourspitze onderste W-graat topMonte Rosa 4,385m
34Mont Maudit bovenste Z-schouderMont Blanc 4,369m
35Weisshorn bovenste N-graat KuppeWallis 4,362m
36Mont Maudit onderste Z-schouderMont Blanc 4,361m
37Dent BlancheWallis 4,357m
38Mont Maudit NW-top (Épaule)Mont Blanc 4,345m
39LudwigshöheMonte Rosa 4,341m
40Liskamm O-graat top (Cima Scoperta)Monte Rosa 4,336m
#Peak Range G U
41Mont Maudit NO-topMont Blanc 4,336m
42Weisshorn N-Grat Grand gendarme*Wallis 4,331m
43NadelhornWallis 4,327m
44Schwarzhorn / Corno NeroMonte Rosa 4,321m
45Grand Combin de GrafeneireGrand Combin 4,314m
46Dôme du GoûterMont Blanc 4,304m
47LenzspitzeWallis 4,294m
48Nadelhorn NW-voortopWallis 4,290m
49Mont Maudit NW Pointe MieuletMont Blanc 4,287m
50Dufourspitze laagste W-graat TopMonte Rosa 4,280m
#Peak Range G U
51Nadelhorn Z-graat bov. DoppelgendarmWallis 4,280m
52FinsteraarhornBernese Oberland 4,274m
53Liskamm Schneedom Spitze (Il Naso)*Monte Rosa 4,272m
54Nadelhorn Z-graat ond. DoppelgendarmWallis 4,270m
55Aiguille du CroissantGrand Combin 4,250m
56Mont Blanc du TaculMont Blanc 4,248m
57Mont Blanc du Tacul O-topMont Blanc 4,247m
58Grand Pilier d'AngleMont Blanc 4,243m
59StecknadelhornWallis 4,241m
60Matterhorn Pic TyndallWallis 4,241m
#Peak Range G U
61Lenzspitze grote N-graat GendarmWallis 4,240m
62Nadelhorn Z-graat onderste KuppeWallis 4,235m
63CastorMonte Rosa 4,222m
64ZinalrothornWallis 4,221m
65HohbärghornWallis 4,219m
66Piramide VincentMonte Rosa 4,215m
67Zinalrothorn Z-voortop (Kanzel)Wallis 4,210m
68Grande Jorasses (Pointes Walker)Grandes Jorasses 4,208m
69AlphubelWallis 4,206m
70Castor N-topMonte Rosa 4,205m
#Peak Range G U
71Weisshorn ond. grote N-graat KuppeWallis 4,203m
72Liskamm West ZW-graat KuppeMonte Rosa 4,201m
73Lenzspitze Z-graat GendarmWallis 4,200m
74RimpfischhornWallis 4,199m
75AletschhornBernese Oberland 4,195m
76Weisshorn bov. kleine N-graat KopWallis 4,190m
77StrahlhornWallis 4,190m
78Alphubel N-topWallis 4,188m
79Castor ZO-voortopMonte Rosa 4,185m
80Pointe Whymper (Grandes Jorasses)Grandes Jorasses 4,184m
#Peak Range G U
81Combin de ValsoreyGrand Combin 4,184m
82Weisshorn ond. kleine N-graat KopWallis 4,180m
83Rimpfischhorn Z-voortopWallis 4,180m
84Weisshorn O-graat TurmWallis 4,178m
85Rimpfischhorn 5. N-graat ZackenWallis 4,175m
86Täschhorn ZO-graat SchultergipfelWallis 4,175m
87Felikhorn (Castor)Monte Rosa 4,174m
88Dent d'HérensWallis 4,171m
89BalmenhornMonte Rosa 4,167m
90Finsteraarhorn ZO-voortopBernese Oberland 4,167m
#Peak Range G U
91Breithorn WestMonte Rosa 4,164m
92Rimpfischhorn 4. N-graat ZackenWallis 4,160m
93Breithorn CentralMonte Rosa 4,159m
94JungfrauBernese Oberland 4,158m
95Dôme du Goûter W-graat topMont Blanc 4,155m
96BishornWallis 4,153m
97Zinalrothorn N-graat BosseWallis 4,150m
98Rimpfischhorn Z-schouder topWallis 4,150m
99Dent d'Hérens La CorneWallis 4,148m
100Combin de la TsessetteGrand Combin 4,141m
#Peak Range G U
101Rimpfischhorn 3. N-graat ZackenWallis 4,140m
102Breithorn-zwillinge WestMonte Rosa 4,139m
103Pointe Burnaby (Bishorn)Wallis 4,135m
104Rimpfischhorn 2. N-graat ZackenWallis 4,130m
105Aiguille VerteMont Blanc 4,122m
106Combin de la Tsessette W-topGrand Combin 4,121m
107Rimpfischhorn 1. N-graat ZackenWallis 4,120m
108Dufourspitze bovenste ZW-graat TurmMonte Rosa 4,120m
109Zinalrothorn GabelturmWallis 4,120m
110Isolée (= P. Blanchard, Teufelsgrat)Mont Blanc 4,114m
#Peak Range G U
111Aiguille Blanche de PeutereyMont Blanc 4,114m
112Weisshorn N-graat SignalkuppeWallis 4,109m
113Pointe Carmen (Teufelsgrat)Mont Blanc 4,109m
114Rimpfischhorn N-Grat-Gendarm*Wallis 4,108m
115MönchBernese Oberland 4,107m
116Pointe de l'Androsace (Kufnergraat)Mont Blanc 4,107m
117Aiguille Blanche Z-top P. Seymour King*Mont Blanc 4,107m
118Breithorn-zwillinge OstMonte Rosa 4,106m
119Aiguille Blanche NW-top P. JonesMont Blanc 4,104m
120Grande RocheuseMont Blanc 4,102m
#Peak Range G U
121Pointe Croz (Grandes Jorasses)Grandes Jorasses 4,101m
122Tour Rouge (Mont Blanc du Tacul O-pijler)Mont Blanc 4,100m
123Zinalrothorn Sphinx (N-graat)Wallis 4,100m
124Barre des ÉcrinsÉcrins 4,099m
125Dent Blanche Z-graat Grand GerdarmeWallis 4,098m
126Pointe Médiane (Teufelsgrat)Mont Blanc 4,097m
127Castor Felikjoch-Kuppe (O-Castor)Monte Rosa 4,093m
128PolluxMonte Rosa 4,092m
129Lenzspitze O-graat GendarmWallis 4,091m
130Wengener JungfrauBernese Oberland 4,089m
#Peak Range G U
131Finsteraarhorn NW-graat KuppeBernese Oberland 4,088m
132Mont Maudit NW-flank gendarm 4.087Mont Blanc 4,087m
133Aletschhorn NO-graat KuppeBernese Oberland 4,086m
134Pic LoryÉcrins 4,086m
135SchreckhornBernese Oberland 4,078m
136Dent d'Hérens O-graat Gendarm (Épaule)Wallis 4,075m
137Breithorn Schwarzfluh (Roccia Nera)Monte Rosa 4,075m
138Pointe Chaubert (Teufelsgrat)Mont Blanc 4,074m
139Aletschhorn WNW-graat KuppeBernese Oberland 4,071m
140Pilier du Diable (Mont Blanc du Tacul)*Mont Blanc 4,067m
#Peak Range G U
141Pointe Marguérite (Grandes Jorasses)Grandes Jorasses 4,066m
142Corne du Diable (Teufelsgrat)Mont Blanc 4,064m
143ObergabelhornWallis 4,063m
144Gran ParadisoGran Paradiso 4,061m
145Schreckhorn O-voortopBernese Oberland 4,060m
146Gran Paradiso (Pointe de la Madonne)Gran Paradiso 4,058m
147Mont BrouillardMont Blanc 4,053m
148Aiguille de BionnassayMont Blanc 4,052m
149Weisshorn Lochmatterturm (O-graat)Wallis 4,050m
150Gross FiescherhornBernese Oberland 4,049m
#Peak Range G U
151Piz BerninaOberengadin 4,049m
152Punta GiordaniMonte Rosa 4,046m
153Pointe Hélène (Grandes Jorasses)Grandes Jorasses 4,045m
154Gross GrünhornBernese Oberland 4,044m
155LauteraarhornBernese Oberland 4,042m
156Pic Eccles*Mont Blanc 4,041m
157Dirruhorn / DürrenhornWallis 4,035m
158Aiguille du JardinMont Blanc 4,035m
159AllalinhornWallis 4,027m
160Mont Blanc du Tacul O-flank Punt 4.027Mont Blanc 4,027m
#Peak Range G U
161Gran Paradiso O-top (Il Roc)Gran Paradiso 4,026m
162Dufourspitze onderste ZW-graat TurmMonte Rosa 4,026m
163Pointe Eveline (Aiguille du Jardin)Mont Blanc 4,026m
164Hinter FiescherhornBernese Oberland 4,025m
165Pointe Croix (Aiguille Verte)Mont Blanc 4,023m
166WeissmiesWallis 4,023m
167Punta Perrucchetti / La Spalla (Bernina)Oberengadin 4,020m
168Zinalrothorn ÉpauleWallis 4,017m
169Grande Rocheuse Punt 4.015Mont Blanc 4,015m
170Dôme de NeigeÉcrins 4,015m
#Peak Range G U
171Lauteraarhorn NW-Grat-Gendarm*Bernese Oberland 4,015m
172Gran Paradiso MiddentopGran Paradiso 4,015m
173Dôme de RochefortMont Blanc 4,015m
174Dent du Géant, Pointe GrahamMont Blanc 4,013m
175Punta BarettiMont Blanc 4,013m
176Lauteraarhorn NW-graat Punt 4.011Bernese Oberland 4,011m
177LagginhornWallis 4,010m
178Rimpfischhorn W-KuppeWallis 4,009m
179Dent du Géant, Pointe SellaMont Blanc 4,009m
180Mont Brouillard ZW-graat KopfMont Blanc 4,005m
#Peak Range G U
181Aiguille de RochefortMont Blanc 4,001m
182Les DroitesMont Blanc 4,000m

G = Goedeke summits U = UIAA summits = main summit = sub summit