Everest 2004

Mount Everest (8,850m), Himalaya, Nepal / Tibet

Seven Summits, Asia

Mount Everest

Mount Everest (8.848m), left of the summit our route via the NE-ridge

Boris joins the Dutch Chomolungma Expedition 2004. The Dutch team of seven leaves for Nepal on the 15th of August. Goal is the summit of Mount Everest (8,850m) via Northcol and the northeastridge.

In 10 days the team travels form sealevel in Amsterdam to 5,200 meter height in basecamp (BC).

From that moment they have 47 days for further acclimatisation, preparation of the route and all camps, and finally a summitattempt.


The team

The team

The Team on the photo: (standing FLTR) Werner de Jong, Sander Arens, Ruby Arens, Boris Krielen, Marc Streefkerk, (sitting FLTR) Mark Thijssen and Harry Kikstra.

The Dutch teammembers are:

  • Werner de Jong (expeditieleider),
  • Ruby Arens (basecamp facilities),
  • Marc Streefkerk,
  • Mark Thijssen,
  • Sander Arens,
  • Harry Kikstra,
  • Boris Krielen (klimmers)

The team is supported by Nepalese Lhapa Sherpa and Nima Tamang.

  • Lhapa is a climbing instructor and reached the summit of Everest in 2003, with the Indian army expedition. Spring 2004 he climbed Cho Oyu (8,201m).
  • Nima reached the summit of Everest in 2001 with a Spanish TV crew and has tons of experience. Spring 2004 he climbed Everest with a Swiss team.